Pangong Lake

Pangong Lake
Nature lives here

Monday, October 21, 2013


The situation, Rather I'd say THE ALARMING SITUATION , of Kargil town/district is what everyone seems to be ignoring. A Medical Student in her Pre Final, a friend of mine, told me that almost 80% of the population of Kargil is  carrier to Hepatitis, though The percentage Can be much lower but  it cannot be ignored just like that. A Cousin who is also a Lab Technician Reminded me about this few months back and I was shocked at the way she Told the stories. She was shocked, I was stunned. The stories she Told about the patients who came by her lab was rather heart wrenching.

The previous administration didn't give any concrete Solution to this problem. Neither the Health Department nor any other volunteer NGO carried out any Helpful campaign. Releasing some Ads on Radio or the Local TV won't help check this disease.

I've tried to Collect the Informations about this Viral Disease and would be giving you the preventive  measures.

The term 'hepatitis' simply means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis may be caused by a virus or a
toxin such as alcohol. Other viruses that can cause injury to liver cells
include the hepatitis A and hepatitis C viruses. These viruses are not related to each other or to hepatitis B virus and differ in their structure, the ways they are spread among
individuals, the severity of symptoms they can cause, the way they are treated, and the outcome of the infection.

What is the scope of the

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is estimated that 350 million individuals worldwide are infected with the virus, which
causes 620,000 deaths worldwide each year.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 46,000 new cases of hepatitis B occurred in the United States in 2006.

When a person first gets hepatitis B, they are said to have an 'acute' infection. Most people are able to eliminate the virus and are cured of the infection. Some are not able to clear the virus and have 'chronic' infection with hepatitis B that is
usually life-long .

What kind of a virus is
hepatitis B?

The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus, meaning that its genetic material is
made up of deoxyribonucleic acids. It
belongs to a family of viruses known as
Hepadnaviridae. The virus is primarily found in the liver but is also present in the blood and certain
body fluids.
Hepatitis B virus consists of a core particle (central portion) and a surrounding envelope (outer coat).
The core is made up of DNA and the core antigen (HBcAg). The envelope
contains the surface antigen (HBsAg). These antigens are present in the blood and are markers
that are used in the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with suspected
viral hepatitis.

What are the symptoms of acute hepatitis B?

Acute hepatitis B is the period of illness that occurs during the first one to four months after acquiring the virus. Only 30% to 50% of adults
develop significant symptoms during acute  infection. Early symptoms
may be non-specific, including fever, a flu-like illness, and joint pains.
Symptoms of acute hepatitis may include:

fatigue ,
loss of appetite,
jaundice (yellowing of
the skin and eyes), and
pain in the upper right abdomen (due to the inflamed liver).


The preventive measures are same as that to the AIDS. everyone is aware of it. Since  Moharram is round the corner , I'd like to request the administration to take some strong steps especially when It comes to TATBIR (Zanjeer-Zani). Actually what happens during this is the people exchange the Chains and it can have a very bad result if they get in touch with an infected person. Even if they use their own,  you are not sure when you get in contact with an infected person. We all have to think Logically and also Emotionally, if you apply some brain on it. We are forbidden to do any act if it May cause a serious Danger to us. Ask Any Marja...!!!  Last year, everyone was  aware of it. what they did was wipe of the chains with The T-shirt or whatever they get. This won't stop the virus.  So I'll Request my Brothers in faith out there to not to Do Zanjeer Zani.  It is not like that I oppose it but Morally as well as emotionally  it is not acceptable.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Previous vs New CEC

Finally the wait is over.  Haji Asghar Ali Karbalai (HAAK) is the New CEC LAHDC Kargil, Though not official yet as on 5th of september. The people have been expecting a big change and it is almost done with now. The fate of the people of Kargil has been decided. They have to work under the leadership of HAAK yet again. Unlike the first time haji has ruled over kargil, he has promised a better governance and a people friendly environment. The top priority being the education sector, he has made it clear for the teaching line employees that they are going to face more strictness than they faced during his first tenure. And this is what the Young guns of the district have been expecting.

The previous CEC has beenmore of a funny character than a Chief Executive Councillor. His speeches made people laugh and at the same time made them curse their own fate for being ruled by such a person. This is evident and I don't need any explaination for this here. Even his supporters claim this and also it is evident from the he wasn't among the NC/ISK candidate for CEC this year. Human nature isn't an excuse when it comes to ruling and leading a society for five long years. There is no space for any mistake. the people may seem to ignore this fact but I believe they are equally involved in it, this so called human nature. I'd really want to  call it, KARGILI NATURE.

We had lalu prasad yadav at the national level but our previous cec can't be compared with him in any way. Atleast Lalu used to speak in the parliament and  knew how to demand and stand for his right. For the right of his people. But with our Previous CEC it was all the opposite. He FAILED.

I was reading the FB posts of THE GREAT SONAM WANGCHUK , where he was seen confessing about his childhood mischiefs and at the same time he told us about how to deal with corruption. He was telling us what role we should play if we come to know that our parents are corrupt. Should we stop loving them or ignore the fact that they are corrupt and love them. He was of the view that Corruption is a disease, just like how you should have treated your sick parents , you should treat your corrupt parents. You don't stop loving them , you look out for a cure for them.

Coming back to the hopes and the expectations we have from Karbalai, all I would say is it is ENORMOUS. At the same time I really would appeal my fellow mates not to expect much and associate all  your hopes with him. Who knows if he  drowns  from the weight of your hopes and expectations.

At the end I really hope karbalai acts a bit more maturely than he acted in his first tenure. He should give up his ego and walk with his legs on earth. All the very best and we hope a better and brighter kargil this time around.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

CEC LAHDC Kargil and Fields he should Work in?

The most important Day for the people of Kargil  is when they vote and choose their leader.  The day has come and gone. 22nd August was the day. 60-70% of turn out speaks a lot about their trust in democracy. 
The council general election which would decide the fate of 26 Councillors was due  this year i.e. 2013. 
The main political parties being  CONGRESS(INC) and  National Conference(NC), But the people followed their age old trend and decided their leaders on the basis of IKMT and ISK. People are learning from their past incidents and this year there was no report of any violence from the otherwise DOGS AND CATS or IKMT AND ISK. It was peaceful and people are proud of.

The Hanging Counscil

No party has secured full majority  and the fate of the COUNCIL is still hanging until a compromise is made between the Parties and The independent councillors on 2nd of sept.
To tell you about the maths NC/ISK (supporting independent councillors included) 11seats and Congress/IKMT have secure 13  out 26 seats. The two remaining councillors won unanimously and are still to decide whom they should support. Two days and Kargil will  get her next CEC. 
Remember this is the Third general election of the LAHDCK, the first term was completed by IKMT/congress and the second was completed by ISK/NC. 
Karbalai is known for his heart wrenching speeches and is liked by the Youth and  the Employed section of the society, As I have Noticed. But  I see what he speaks  as just Rhetoric. Never seen implementing what he say at the podium.
Kacho Ahmad Ali khan, who ruled full five years of the second term of LAHDCK is  known for his ........ I don't know for what. Most of my  friends have got funny stories about him. Like when He was Speaking on The Degree college Kargil he said, "we would have atleast Five MBBS seats from this college this year ".I don't know if it's true or false but His own supporters have admitted to it. On an another occasion, he mistook Evening for morning , republic day for independence day, etc. etc. I guess it's a human nature and can be ignored if he has got that perfect Leadership Quality. But Honestly, neither did I enjoy his speeches nor  his Leadership. I hope we see a new face if NC win or Karbalai, if Congress win.
The situation is still hanging and let's hope we see a brighter Kargil.
Some Fields where The new CEC should work upon to secure a seats in the Next Term.


   This is 21st century and without internet and telephone you can't come out of 19th century.the situation is kargil is worse.  Though The high terrain and the geographical structure is the main reason to our backwardness bbut  our previous governments have failed to try out any alternative to this. This must improve as the time pass by.

   This is 21st century and without internet and telephone you can't come out of 19th century.the situation is kargil is worse.  Though The high terrain and the geographical structure is the main reason to our backwardness bbut  our previous governments have failed to try out any alternative to this. This must improve as the time pass by.
It is the backbone of a civilized society and I'm very proud that kargil has a literacy rate of above 70% but but the quality of education being propagated is alarming. The govt must do something in this sector this time. People are sick of this worn out system. They want change and for that CEC and his colleagues have to be the torchbearers.
District kargil is among the top corrupt districts of India. Proper legal system and a seperate committee would do the task for them. People oppose offering bribe but  they have to Give it anyway. a smooth bureaucratic system is always welcomed and would make a lot to the middle section of them society.


Like every other place, in kargil too, there's a progressive increase of unemployed youth. The govt must not let the youth down  and should create opportunities for them. Also them recruitment system too is skewed. The same committee for recruitment is appointed again and again  the giving room for Corruption and favoritism.


It is upto this govt that Kargil is supporting UT status for ladakh or not. As Leh gear up for Demanding UT status To Ladakh , Kargilites don't have any idea so as to support it or not. The govt should Work this out with the opposition and give their stand on  UT Status to Ladakh. This is main.
The other aspects are the ZOJILA TUNNEL , Railway line, Extension of airport, Successful operation of the chutuk Project, Road to Zanskar, TWO WAY road To Chiktan, Deal with the  Post-Metric Scholarship SCAM.
The CEC should consider all this to secure a berth in the NEXT elections .

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Peaceful ladakhis? Sh*t

When we talk about Ladakh, Peace is what most of non-Ladakhis recollect . To be more precise and defining there doesn't exist any peace in ladakh, all that exist is compromise. The most talked about topic is cultural divergence and peaceful buddhist-muslim co-existence.

Go to a muslim from kargil district and ask him about Leh, you definitely aren't going to get good words about them and the vice versa is also true. So where does this so called peace-in-Ladakh lie?

Compromise is what I'd like to describe it as. When a tourist visits Leh or Kargil people are very friendly and their innocent smile is just so attractive that the tourists fall for it. But when they leave the real truth comes out. they don't have good words for them. I guess that's HUMAN NATURE and Ladakhis are humans beings too.

So next time you come across such non-sense or think like this, KICK Yourself hard. :D

Well what I want here is Ladakh not to be Idolized for PEACE. They aren't peaceful, that's the truth. Whenever I google search LADAKH people are like, they are so peaceful or lovely or happy... Boy you are tricked here.

What happened in bodhkharbu and what's happening in zanskar is proof of it. Ladakhis are good to Tourists because they are gonna get a lot of money. They don't respect the person, they respect the money that they are gonna get from that person. And like every other part of India  Ladakhis show some more respect for the english speaking people or the yellow haired people.

Their attitude is pretty much different for WHITE tourists and Black tourists. Dollar speaks more than Rupee ;)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Misery of Being Alone

The Ghoost That Haunts Me,
In the Middle of The Night,
During Bright Day Time,
Can't escape this Feeling,
Filling my heart with Encouragement,
But for  No Use , it's in Vain.
The Mass that Surrounds me,
Adds to the misery,
The misery of being alone.
The Ghoost, Loneliness , Never Leaves me.
Why in the world this Haunts me, alone?
Is not there any remedy?
And then I say Yes,
I'm afraid
I'm Dying Inside
And Nobody knows.
This Heart bears all
I need to trust this heart again,